But, concerning the cause of its abandonment, there are now so many warring legends and so many tales of a false and fabulous character, that I, who am old in years and triply old in horrors, I, who have grown weary with no less than eleven lustrums of public service, am compelled to write this record of the truth ere it fade utterly from the tongues and memories of men.
- (古代ローマで5年ごとに行われた)清め(式)、大祓。
- 5年間(quinquennium)
All was in readiness: the vessel was amply provisioned for a journey of many lustrums and decades... (A Voyage to Sfanomoe)
His lethargy and weakness seemed to increase: it was as if whole lustrums, whole decades of senescence had fallen upon him in the drawing of a breath. (The Treader of the Dust)
The unhuman loneliness and decay of the old manor-house, its lustrums and decades of neglect, and the corresponding desolation of its owner, had impressed me more painfully than ever. (名もなき末裔)
And yet, such was the awe he had wrought through many lustrums, that few were venturous enough to invade the tower; and thieves were wary, and would not try to despoil its fabled treasures. (マルグリスの死)
The crooking of his little finger would have required lustrums. (永遠の世界)
太字の強調は引用者による。括弧内は題名だが、邦訳があるものについては原題の代わりに邦題を附した。「アタマウスの遺言」に話を戻すと、5年ごとに大祓を行う慣わしがヒューペルボリアにもあったという証拠が存在しない以上、lustrumという言葉は単に「5年間」の意味にとっておいた方が無難なのではないだろうか。すなわち"grown weary with no less than eleven lustrums of public service"は「5の11倍もの歳月(=55年間)の公務に服して倦み疲れた」となる。